Fukufhima reactor meltdown
Fukufhima reactor meltdown

fukufhima reactor meltdown

“Our original findings showed that decontamination efforts have been limited and that 85% of the Special Decontamination Area has undergone no decontamination,” the report reads. The Japanese want to dump it all into the Pacific outraging fishermen, environmentalists and groups like Greenpeace Japan which has produced a comprehensive new report on Fukushima. Each day produces more than 400 tons of newly radioactive water needed to keep the demolished reactors from catching on fire and destroying Japan. The Japanese government’s purported plan is to wait until after their rump 2021 Olympics are over this summer to then dump over 1,000 massive containers of highly radioactive water generated over the last decade from cooling the triple meltdowns to gush into the Pacific Ocean.Įach tank is filled with around 1.25 million gallons of the hottest goo on Earth. The disaster continues to this day with no end in sight.

fukufhima reactor meltdown

More than a dozen radiation stations across the country monitoring online live, thousands of radiation tests on consumables, and videotaped radiation detecting have been crucial parts of this ongoing investigation. This included live radiation monitoring accessed by over a million viewers. On March 11, 2011, immediately launched its award-winning multi-pronged Fukushima investigation that found evidence of radioactive contamination across the United States in air, water, food, drink and marijuana. The never-ending triple meltdowns have continued to spew radiation with millions of tons even more ionizing poisons being set to be dumped into the Pacific later this year. Three reactors next to the Pacific blew up and blasted thousands of tons of highly radioactive debris, gas and goo into the ocean, air and over a wide swath of Japan. Today ten years ago the worst nuclear reactor catastrophe exploded in Japan when a massive earthquake sent a tsunami slamming into a reactor complex at Fukushima Daiichi.

fukufhima reactor meltdown

Worst nuclear reactor disaster ever spirals out of control yet Japan will host Olympics this summer in Fukushima as billionaire Bill Gates pushes nuclear energy based on doomed design

Fukufhima reactor meltdown